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Freedom™ Dyes »

Fluorophores with no patent licensing restrictions from IDT or third party companies. Subcategories include fluorescein, Cy®, rhodamine, and ATTO™ dyes

Additional fluorophores »

In addition to Freedom Dyes, we offer a wide range of fluorescent dyes that can be tailored to your specific experiments. Browse our entire catalog of fluorophores by freedom of use or excitation/emission wavelengths.

Iowa Black® dark quenchers »

Iowa Black quenchers are IDT proprietary dark quenchers perfect for use in fluorescence-quenched probes. The quenchers are available as either 5'- or 3'-end modifications and provide a convenient hydrophobic handle that facilitates purification by HPLC.

Additional dark quenchers »

These molecules absorb excitation energy from fluorophores and release it as heat. Choose your quencher based on the emission wavelength of your chosen fluorophore.